Unlike his mom, Big E always has an interest in science - nature, space, electricity...etc. When I was browsing through Kusama Yayoi's artwork online, Big E glanced at her work on Mt. Fuji. He was excited and asked if he could see the "volcano" more clearly. Here are the four pieces of artwork on Mt. Fuji by Kusama Yayoi:
I chose the one with the blue night sky and 4 moons as my fourth tribute project - "Volcano Under Moonlight".
I prepared the cut-outs for most the elements shown on the original artwork - volcano, grass, trees, road and houses, a piece of black construction paper, some round color labels, and a black marker and a yellow marker.
1. Draw small black triangles on the volcano and yellow ones on the clouds.
2. Glue the houses, trees, and grass on at the bottom of the volcano.
3. Glue the volcano on the black construction paper and the clouds on both sides.
4. Glue the red looped-road and houses on the meadow.
5. Use quartered color labels to decorate the the meadow and the sky.
6. Use yellow round labels to create the 4 moons.
Here is Big E's finished project.
We had so much fun looking at his project right next to the original artwork!